WG4 and WG6 are hosting the next VOICES event in Türkiye, 24-25 June, 2024!

We are delighted to extend a warm invitation for the upcoming dissemination event at Istanbul Aydın University aimed at advancing the basis of gender equality and combating gender-based violence through gender equality policies and programmes and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) techniques in academia and beyond.

Full call for participation here


Please register yourself by 20 June 2024 by providing the following information: Name, institution, job title, research field, your email address at Google Survey Form.


  • Prof. Anne-Sophie Godfroy, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, VOICES Action Chair, President of the Scientific Committee
  • Dr Rakibe Külcür, United Nations Studies Association Vienna & Sustaila, Austria, WG6 Leader
  • Prof. Philippe Liotard, Lyon 1 University & Chair of CPED, WG4 Leader
  • Dr Elif Kaya, Kilis 7 Aralık University, WG4 co-leader


Check the complete Programme Here!