Grant Period 4: 01/11/2024-30/11/2025
Application period: January 10, 2025 –September 1, 2025, 23:55
Grant activities period: January 15 2025–September 30, 2025, 23:55
With one evaluation session every month
YRI Conference grant funds a presentation (poster/oral presentation) of their own work by a Young Researcher and Innovator (YRI) in a high-level conference fully organized by a third party.
YRI Conference grant:
- Serves COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy;
- Supports Young Researchers and Innovators to establish a strong network and increase their visibility in the research community through sharing their work and to gain knowledge;
- Can contribute to increasing visibility of the Action.
Eligibility criteria:
- You are a Young Researcher or Innovator (a researcher under the age of 40);
- You have a paper or poster accepted for presentation at an international conference;
- The conference takes place in a country different from your country of residence and different from the country of your primary affiliation;
- The topic of your paper or poster and the conference theme are relevant to VOICES;
- Conferences in Europe are preferred, but conferences outside of Europe may be considered as well.
Expenses covered:
- travel expenses from home to conference location and back (bus, coach, train 2nd class, plane economy);
- visa fees for conference country;
- accommodation and meal expenses as a contribution maximum up to EUR 2 500,00 per grant for face-to-face conferences or EUR 00 for online conferences.
The entire conference trip must fit into the grant activities period and all administration must be completed in said grant activities period!
Application Procedure:
- Application shall be submitted online in e-COST using dedicated forms available. In this regard, applicants are informed that their application can be accessed by the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes;
- Applicants must upload their CV in their e-COST profile. This information will be visible to the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.
The content of the application for YRIC Grant shall include:
- Title of the presentation;
- Conference title, date (within the active Grant Period) and Country;
- Budget requested;
- Attendance Type (face to face or online).
Should also to be uploaded to e-COST the following documents:
- Copy of the abstract of the accepted poster or oral presentation;
- Acceptance (or invitation) letter from the conference organisers;
- Other documents required by the Action (e.g. recommendation letter, etc…).
Once the application has been completed according to the COST requirements, submit it to the e-cost system. Upon evaluation and approval by the Action Chair of your grant in the e-cost system you will receive a formal notification.
Reporting and claim for payment of the grant:
- Once the activity has ended, the grantee submits the required reports and relevant documentation in e-COST within 30 days after the end date of the activity or 15 days after the end of the Grant Period, whichever date comes first;
- Claim the payment by submitting the report via e-COST;
- The required report/documentation for claiming a is: a) Report to the Action MC on the outcome of the presentation of the accepted contribution, in terms of grantee’s visibility, including the establishment of new contacts for future collaborations, b) The certificate of attendance, c) The programme of the conference or book of abstracts / proceedings indicating the presentation (oral or poster) of the grantee, d) Copy of the given presentation (oral or poster).
- Mandatory Acknowledgements:
YRI Conference Grant holders must properly acknowledge their financial support in a scientific report and any additional research documentation, which is a direct result of the participation in YRI Conference
Failure to produce the above documentation in time may result in the cancellation of the candidate’s grant!
More information is provided in the Annotated rules: and in the Travel Reimbursement Rules (