The Intersectionality, Research, and Action International Summer School (IRAISS) was held on the 12-15 of July 2022 in Krakow, Poland, at the Jagiellonian University. More than 40 people participated for a week in Krakow in discussions and reflections on intersectionality in research.

The Welcome and Opening Session was in charge of Beata Kowalska (Ombudswoman Jagiellonian University), Anne-Sophie Godfroy (VOICES Chair), Victoria Showunmi (IRAISS leader), and Marta Warat (coordinator university host). 

During the IRAISS, they had inspirational and challenging lectures by Prof. Anne Phoenix on “Intersectionality, racialization, and gender”, Prof. Nina Lykke on “Intersectional Analysis and Situated Ethics of Unease” and Prof. Carol Rivas on “Advancing Intersectional Approaches for Social and Epistemic Justice: The Viene From Practice-Based Research”.

The participants continued the learning process with parallel specialized workshops and sharing sessions on how intersectionality challenges us in their research. Also, in IRAISS they had the opportunity to listen to the experience of Ukrainian researchers.

IRAISS was organized within the Working Group 5 Intersectionality, led by Victoria Showunmi and Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins, and with the support of the organizing team led by Marta Warat.