On 6th and 7th April, it was held in a mixed format (face-to-face and online) at the PSL University in Paris (France). The meeting was hosted by the Action Chair, Anne-Sophie Godfroy, who gave an overall view of the action progress and proposed next steps for the coming months.
Anne-Sophie Godfroy (chair) reminded the highlighted objectives of the project: visibility and voices for precarious academic workers; attention to gender equality plans, networking with stakeholders inside and outside academia; special attention to communication (the role of the website is fundamental in this). In this regard, Marian Blanco (Science Communication Coordinator) presents the launching of the website and twitter account (follow us at @gender_voices).
Lorenza Perini (vice-chair) leads the preparation of the Conceptual Framework. Instead of agreeing with common definitions we prefer to work on this common understanding in a broad sense, collecting diferent voices. Some agree on common large concepts such as: Precarity; Career; Early stage career; Young researcher Research; Mobility; Resistance to change; Intersectionality and maybe others.
The Working Groups presented how they were formed, their first meetings and the next steps. The sharing of selection criteria and conceptual frameworks was very enriching.
Elettra Repetto has been nominated Stakeholder’s board Coordinator. She is a member of the board of EURODOC: The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. EURODOC is directly concerned by the topic of the Action and was a secondary proposer of VOICES.
Victoria Showunmi and Jennifer Dahmen (WG5) with Marta Warat (local organiser) explained the programme and organisation of the first VOICES international summer school focus on Intersectionality which will take place 12-15 July in Kraków (Poland).
For the upcoming events, Dalia Satkovskiene and Colette Guiloppé will prepare calls for grants.