WG3 met virtually on October 5th with the task of planning for the second grant period ahead. It will certainly be a challenging year as we are taking on the organization of the 2023 VOICES Summer School in the beautiful city of Athens, in close collaboration with the Athena Research Centre.
This will be the highlight of our mission for the year ahead and represents an invaluable opportunity to share and discuss the integration of gender in knowledge production across different scientific fields. In that sense, Anita has reported back from the 2022 VOICES Summer School in Krakow which has been a great success and an example to build on.
We have continued with our Case Study Series, this time welcoming an impressive presentation by Margarita Zachariou (Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics) on sex dimorphism in Alzheimer’s disease.
During this GP2 we will also focus on communication and dissemination of knowledge. Edna reported back from the Cost Communication Seminar in Brussels, underscoring the importance of being actively engaged both in content production and in the dissemination of events and research projects.
Thank you again to all participants for joining in!