In the WG4 March Meeting we deal conceptual framework and the compose a core group to plan our Conference in November 2023 and create subgroups to propose for a paper.

First of all, the news members of the WG4 were introduced. And then we discussed the possibility of starting our “writing together” project by creating sub-groups focusing on specific topics. Specifically, distribute the work on the theme of gender violence. With a specific proposal on immigration and violence. What about refugee women? It was discussed about paper types and topics and about discrimination and bullying specific about women.

They spoke about the current situation in Europe with regard to gender violence, the increase in feminicides and the pressure this puts on societies and women’s lives. Therefore, the creation of a core group for the November conference was discussed. Where and when celebrate it? Places such as Albania, Belgrade or Zagreb were discussed.

WG4 will meet again at the end of April to finalize the creation of subgroups and the possibility of working together on papers.


WG4 Communication