July 2023
All ready for the Summer School in Athens, follow the lectures live!
The 2nd VOICES Summer School on "Breaking the Bias: Inspiring Diversity in R&I" will soon take place in Athens from 5 to 7 July. Working group 3, led by Clemens Striebing & Anita Thaler, has prepared this year's Summer School in Greece, during 3 days we will reflect on how to integrate the gender perspective from an intersectional and diverse point of view in the different fields of science and technology. The Athena Research Center, [...]
May 2023
Workshop “Intersectionality and Urban Spaces” organized by WG5
Workshop "Intersectionality and Urban Spaces" organized by WG5 - Intersectionality will take place on June 6th, 2023 - 17:30 (CET). The workshop proposes that participants, through their experiences, think about the city and its limitations. The idea is to reflect on the inequalities that affect different individuals in different ways within urban spaces, through an intersectional and critical perspective of the patriarchal political and social structures that are reflected in the urban space. Programme 01. [...]
Webinar “Challenges, policies and opportunities to implement gender equality in basic sciences”
The European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS) and the COST Action VOICES (Making Young Researchers VOICES Heard) under the auspices of IYBSSD2022 (International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development) will be holding an online webinar on Tuesday 30 May entitled “Challenges, policies and opportunities to implement gender equality in basic sciences. A key factor to build up excellence in the scientific landscape” Key dates Tuesday May 30, 2023, 16-18 CEST (online) Link: https://u-pec-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkde2uqDIsHtFUtdclUCFafxN_LEZ5FPiC Topic of [...]
Cultivating and Expanding the Use of Intersectionality in Multiple Disciplines: VOICES from Intersectionality Summer School 2022
Anna Hata and Jowita Radzińska “What is intersectionality?” Some of you reading this has come to this question, perhaps seeking a more equitable world for ourselves or people we care, or having experienced discrimination based on race, gender and/or other identities personally. Some of you may have little experience with social justice, but may want to seek a better understanding of inequity in the society you live in. Seeking a change in our community, [...]
Early Career Researchers’ Workshop – Writing a successful application for mobility grants
We would like to inform you that next Monday 15th May at 13:30 CET an online workshop on mobility grants applications will take place. Early Career Researchers’ Workshop "Writing a successful application for mobility grants" Date: 15 May 2023 - 13.30 CET (Zoom) Aimed at: Early-career researchers, Early-career researchers from ICT countries, and other members who may be interested Duration: 1 hour Programme Welcome & Introduction to the COST Action Mobility Grants awarding policy Cost Action: Gender Voices Calls [...]
April 2023
VOICES Cost Action at the European Parliament
Members of the VOICES Core Group were in Brussels on 24 and 25 April 2023 to meet with stakeholders of the European Parliament to learn about the measures that are being adopted and proposed in order to adapt our recommendations to current and future EU policies, and to establish possible collaborations between the results of VOICES work and the actions to be carried out. Each meeting started with a presentation of the Action and a [...]
WG4 March Meeting
In the WG4 March Meeting we deal conceptual framework and the compose a core group to plan our Conference in November 2023 and create subgroups to propose for a paper. First of all, the news members of the WG4 were introduced. And then we discussed the possibility of starting our "writing together" project by creating sub-groups focusing on specific topics. Specifically, distribute the work on the theme of gender violence. With a specific proposal on [...]
March 2023
Working Group 6 meeting in Malta
On February 16, 2023, a Management Committee meeting, and parallel meetings of all working groups in hybrid format took place in Valletta Campus, University of Malta, including a meeting of the working group 6 (WG6) “Monitoring & Evaluation” chaired by leader Maria Brown. The WG6 meeting started with the presentation "Setting up the European Observatory on Femicide" by Professor Marceline Naudi of the University of Malta. At the beginning of her presentation, the professor emphasized [...]