May 2024
Bridging Gender Voices Across the Continents – 24/25 June – Programme available now!
WG4 and WG6 are hosting the next VOICES event in Türkiye, 24-25 June, 2024! We are delighted to extend a warm invitation for the upcoming dissemination event at Istanbul Aydın University aimed at advancing the basis of gender equality and combating gender-based violence through gender equality policies and programmes and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) techniques in academia and beyond. Full call for participation here KEY DATES Please register yourself by 20 June 2024 by providing [...]
WG5 Victoria Showunmi as advisor at Fierce Project
WG5 leader, Dr. Victoria Showunmi is an advisor at the Fierce Project - Feminist movements democratizing Europe! Fierce is one of the very first R&I projects funded under Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society under Horizon Europe! Know more about the Consortium, the Activites, and Project vision online!
Anita Thaler and Clemens Striebing organised a VOICES session at STS Conference Graz
VOICES WG3 co-leaders Anita Thaler and Clemens Striebing organised a session with Sascha Fink and Daniela Krainer (FH Kärnten) at the 22nd Annual STS Conference Graz 2024 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ ( The hybrid conference took place from May 6-8th in Graz, Austria (and online), and the VOICES related session comprised ten research papers on „Gender and Intersectionality in Technology and Innovation Research – The Practical Experience“. Although the new European [...]
Second Call for Mobility Grants opens on May 6th!
The second call for mobility grants on Grant Period 3 is opening on May 6th. The application period for STSMs, dissemination grants and ITC conference grants is open until September 1st 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen you research network, disseminate your work, organize events or even visit fellow researchers at their insttutions! VOICES will support you along the way. Check all the requirements for each type of grant on our website!
April 2024
New Publication by Fatma Fulya Tepe (WG3) on “Banal misogynism in Turkish media at the beginning of the multi-party era”
Dr. Fatma Fulya Tepe, from Istanbul Aydin University, and member of WG3, published a new article titled “Banal misogynism in Turkish media at the beginning of the multi-party era: the case of Boşboğaz” in the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. This study aims to analyse the cover cartoons of the Boşboğaz [Bigmouth] magazine to reveal how misogynist attitudes were reproduced in Turkish media representations of women at the beginning of the multi-party period. The [...]
Anita Thaler gives keynote on “What you always wanted to know about sex + gender in research”
Anita Thaler (WG3) gave a lecture on March 7 at the University for Continuing Education Krems, on the occasion of International Women's Day 2024, on how gender gaps in science affect us all. The lecture has addressed stumbling blocks in research, from so-called I-methodology and hallway testing to gender stereotypes and so-called unconscious biases. But how can research avoid these pitfalls and contribute to closing gender gaps? Among other things, Thaler presented the PROTEA project, which [...]
March 2024
CFA WG 1 training school will take place from 8 to 11 July 2024 at Deusto University, Bilbao (Spain)
You are interested in the topic of mentoring programmes for women scientists and academics, spanning programme design, implementation, evaluation, and the lived experience of the mentees? Let’s Hear Your Voices: Unlocking knowledge, experience, and good practice in inclusive mentoring for early career women in academia and research and innovation – a multi-stakeholder summer training event will take place from 8 to 11 July 2024 at Deusto University, Bilbao (Spain) In response to the growing popularity of career [...]
February 2024
Take home messages from the VOICES 2024 Annual Conference in Tirana
This year's VOICES Annual Conference has brought together participants from many different countries in the Mediterranean University of Albania (Tirana), who have engaged in intensive debates under the theme of Gender Based Violence in Higher Education. Now that the curtain has fallen, we have interviewed Elif Kaya and Philippe Liotard, WG4 Co-leaders and organizers, and asked them on the main take home messages from these days of extraordinary exchange. 1 - What is the final assessment [...]