
December 2023

WG3 promotes case studies that integrate gender as a research dimension

Since October that WG3’s monthly meetings have been featuring case studies that include gender as a research dimension. They have already hosted presentations by three young researchers who participated in the "Breaking the Bias" Summer School in Athens and hope that this channel will facilitate the dissemination of many other studies in progress. Devris Isler has presented his work on “Privacy Behaviors and Perceptions of LGBTQ+ Community in Turkey”, Sara Larrabure addressed the theme of [...]

Main insights from recent WG2 meetings

The recent meeting of Working Group 2 (WG2) within the VOICES project, held on November 17, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the ongoing exploration of the inclusion of early career researchers in the decision-making bodies. Led by Prof. Liudvika Leisyte and Prof.  Christine Cross, the session included a comprehensive review of the second grant period, offering insights into the group's achievements and the promising path that lies ahead. Over the course of the grant [...]

November 2023

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, WG2 Co-leader, elected to Academia Europaea!

Professor Liudvika Leišytė, VOICES WG2 Co-Leader, has been elected as a member of the highly prestigious Academia Europaea. The Academia Europaea is a pan-European, non-governmental association of scientists and academics with the mission of promoting learning, education, and research. It has more than 5,000 members, including 85 Nobel Prize winners. Prof. Leišytė was inducted into the Academia Europaea at the annual meeting of the Academy, which took place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Münich in October 2023. [...]

July 2023

Successful “Breaking the Bias” summer school in Athens

The 2023 summer school achieved its goal of breaking down gender bias in the research work of its participants. The summer school "Breaking the Bias", organized by Working Group 3 Gender as a Research Dimension, held in July 2023 at the Impact Hub space in Athens fulfilled its objective of promoting relationships between young researchers and mentors, receiving useful feedback to improve the work presented, and sharing concerns during those 3 days. The first day featured [...]

All ready for the Summer School in Athens, follow the lectures live!

The 2nd VOICES Summer School on "Breaking the Bias: Inspiring Diversity in R&I" will soon take place in Athens from 5 to 7 July. Working group 3, led by Clemens Striebing & Anita Thaler, has prepared this year's Summer School in Greece, during 3 days we will reflect on how to integrate the gender perspective from an intersectional and diverse point of view in the different fields of science and technology. The Athena Research Center, [...]

May 2023

Workshop “Intersectionality and Urban Spaces” organized by WG5

Workshop "Intersectionality and Urban Spaces" organized by WG5 - Intersectionality will take place on June 6th, 2023 - 17:30 (CET). The workshop proposes that participants, through their experiences, think about the city and its limitations. The idea is to reflect on the inequalities that affect different individuals in different ways within urban spaces, through an intersectional and critical perspective of the patriarchal political and social structures that are reflected in the urban space. Programme 01. [...]

Webinar “Challenges, policies and opportunities to implement gender equality in basic sciences”

The European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS) and the COST Action VOICES (Making Young Researchers VOICES Heard) under the auspices of IYBSSD2022 (International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development) will be holding an online webinar on Tuesday 30 May entitled “Challenges, policies and opportunities to implement gender equality in basic sciences. A key factor to build up excellence in the scientific landscape” Key dates Tuesday May 30, 2023, 16-18 CEST (online) Link: https://u-pec-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkde2uqDIsHtFUtdclUCFafxN_LEZ5FPiC     Topic of [...]

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