WG3, led by Clemens Striebing and Anita Thaler, held its second virtual meeting on June 22. Anita Thaler reported back from Vilnius Annual Meeting for members who didn’t have the chance to attend the in-person meeting, underscoring the need to bring clarity to the crucial goal of WG3: to integrate gender in knowledge production, both in research and in teaching.

To that end, we’ve inaugurated a Case Study Discussion Series which will allow members from different scientific areas to share their experiences in addressing gender as a research dimension.  Jelena Grahovac was in charge of the exciting kick-off presentation, bringing the topic of gender in cancer research to the frontline. She showed how gender aspects in health research are often not (sufficiently) considered due to a lack of guidelines, which leads to gender-biased drug development and disease diagnosis, among others.

With this goal in mind, we’re also planning ahead for the 2023 VOICES Summer School which aims at preparing young researchers for the integration of a gender perspective in their projects with a special focus on priority Horizon Europe topics.

Finally, we’ve welcomed Edna Costa as WG3 Science Communication Manager. Thank you to all the participants for their presence and active engagement with WG3 tasks!