Main insights from recent WG2 meetings
The recent meeting of Working Group 2 (WG2) within the [...]
The recent meeting of Working Group 2 (WG2) within the [...]
Professor Liudvika Leišytė, VOICES WG2 Co-Leader, has been elected as [...]
The 2023 summer school achieved its goal of breaking down [...]
In July WG1 met in Bilbao (Spain) at the University [...]
The 2nd VOICES Summer School on "Breaking the Bias: Inspiring [...]
Workshop "Intersectionality and Urban Spaces" organized by WG5 - Intersectionality [...]
Anna Hata and Jowita Radzińska “What is intersectionality?” Some [...]
Members of the VOICES Core Group were in Brussels on [...]
In the WG4 March Meeting we deal conceptual framework and [...]
On February 16, 2023, a Management Committee meeting, and parallel [...]