WG3 promotes case studies that integrate gender as a research dimension
Since October that WG3’s monthly meetings have been featuring case [...]
Since October that WG3’s monthly meetings have been featuring case [...]
The recent meeting of Working Group 2 (WG2) within the [...]
Members of the VOICES Core Group were in Brussels on [...]
In the WG4 March Meeting we deal conceptual framework and [...]
The University of Malta's Valletta Campus hosted the 2nd annual [...]
The ATHENA Research Centre hosts the Voices 2023 “Breaking the [...]
Valletta Campus of the University of Malta will host the [...]
WG2 led by prof. Christine Cross and prof. Liudvika Leišytė [...]
WG3 met virtually on October 5th with the task of [...]
The Intersectionality, Research, and Action International Summer School (IRAISS) was [...]