Breaking the Bias Summer School – Programme and Call for Applications
You are interested in gender data gap, Gendered Innovations and [...]
You are interested in gender data gap, Gendered Innovations and [...]
The 2023 Voices Summer School will be held on the [...]
The ATHENA Research Centre hosts the Voices 2023 “Breaking the [...]
WG2 led by prof. Christine Cross and prof. Liudvika Leišytė [...]
WG3 met virtually on October 5th with the task of [...]
The Intersectionality, Research, and Action International Summer School (IRAISS) was [...]
Everything is ready for the start of the first VOICES [...]
On June 9, 2022, a Management Committee meeting, and parallel [...]
WG3, led by Clemens Striebing and Anita Thaler, held its [...]
The Intersectionality, Research, and Action International Summer School (IRAISS) will [...]